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The theme is configured with the <Layout> component. You should pass your config options as Layout’s props, for example:

import { Layout } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
export default function MyLayout({ children, ...props }) {
  return (
    <html lang="en">

Detailed information for each option is listed below.

Docs Repository

Set the repository URL of the documentation. It’s used to generate the “Edit this page” link, the “Feedback” link and “Report of broken link” on not found page.

docsRepositoryBasestringURL of the documentation repository.
Default: ""

Specify a Path

If the documentation is inside a monorepo, a subfolder, or a different branch of the repository, you can simply set the docsRepositoryBase to the root path of the app/ (App Router) folder of your docs. For example:

<Layout docsRepositoryBase="">

Then Nextra will automatically generate the correct file path for all pages.

Dark Mode and Themes

Customize the theme behavior of the website.

darkModebooleanShow or hide the dark mode select button. Default: "true"
nextThemesobjectConfiguration for the next-themes package.
Default: { attribute: 'class', defaultTheme: 'system', disableTransitionOnChange: true, storageKey: 'theme' }

MDX Components [!TODO]

Provide custom MDX components to render the content. For example, you can use a custom pre component to render code blocks.

componentsRecord<string, React.FC>Custom MDX components

Show an “Edit this page” link on the page that points to the file URL on GitHub (or other places).

editLinkstring | ReactElement | nullContent of the edit link. Default: "Edit this page"
To disable it, you can set editLink to null.

The built-in feedback link provides a way for users to submit feedback about the documentation. By default, it’s a link that points to the issue creation form of the docs repository, with the current website title prefilled: example.

feedback.contentstring | ReactElement | nullContent of the feedback link.
Default: "Question? Give us feedback →"
feedback.labelsstringLabels that can be added to the new created issue.
Default: "feedback"

To disable it, you can set feedback.content to null.


Options to configure the language dropdown for the i18n docs website.

i18n[number].localestringLocale from i18n.locales field in next.config file
i18n[number].namestringLocale name in dropdown

Last Updated Date

Show the last updated date of a page. It’s useful for showing the freshness of the content.

lastUpdatedReactElement | nullComponent to render the last updated info.
Default: <LastUpdated />

Toggle Visibility

You can toggle visibility of the last update date on the specific pages by setting theme.timestamp property in the _meta.js file:

export default {
  'my-page': {
    theme: {
      timestamp: false // Hide timestamp on this page

Show previous and next page links on the bottom of the content. It’s useful for navigating between pages.

navigationboolean | objectEnable or disable navigation link. Default: true
navigation.prevbooleanEnable or disable the previous page link
navigation.nextbooleanEnable or disable the next page link
    prev: true,
    next: true

The above is also equivalent to navigation: true.

Toggle Visibility

You can toggle visibility of the navigation on the specific pages by setting theme.pagination property in the _meta.js file:

export default {
  'my-page': {
    theme: {
      pagination: false // Hide pagination on this page

Page Map [!TODO]

Search [!TODO]

sidebar.autoCollapsebooleanIf true, automatically collapse inactive folders above defaultMenuCollapseLevel
sidebar.defaultMenuCollapseLevelnumberSpecifies the folder level at which the menu on the left is collapsed by default. Default: 2
sidebar.toggleButtonbooleanHide/show sidebar toggle button. Default: true

By default, the sidebar menu is collapsed at level 2. You can change it by setting sidebar.defaultMenuCollapseLevel to a different number. For example, when set to 1, every folder will be collapsed by default and when set to Infinity, all nested folders will be expanded by default.

If sidebar.autoCollapse is set to true, then all folders that do not contain an active/focused route will automatically collapse up to the level set by sidebar.defaultMenuCollapseLevel. e.g. if defaultMenuCollapseLevel is 2, then top-level folders will not auto-collapse.

Customize Sidebar Content

Together with the Separators item, you can customize how the sidebar content is rendered by using JSX elements:

export default {
  index: 'Intro',
  '--': {
    type: 'separator',
    title: (
      <div className="flex items-center gap-2">
        <MyLogo />
  frameworks: 'JS Frameworks & Libs',
  about: 'About'
Customized Sidebar

Toggle Visibility

You can toggle visibility of the <Sidebar> on the specific pages by setting theme.sidebar property in the _meta.js file:

export default {
  'my-page': {
    theme: {
      sidebar: false // Hide sidebar on this page

Theme Switch

themeSwitch{ light: string; dark: string; system: string }Translation of options in the theme switch.
Default: { light: 'Light', dark: 'Dark', system: 'System' }

You are able to customize the option names for localization or other purposes:

    dark: 'Темный',
    light: 'Светлый',
    system: 'Системный'

Table of Contents (TOC) Sidebar

Show a table of contents on the right side of the page. It’s useful for navigating between headings.

toc.backToTopstring | ReactElement | nullText of back to top button. Default: "Scroll to top"
toc.extraContentstring | ReactElement | nullDisplay extra content below the TOC content
toc.floatbooleanFloat the TOC next to the content. Default: true
toc.titlestring | ReactElement | nullTitle of the TOC sidebar. Default: "On This Page"

Floating TOC

When enabled, the TOC will be displayed on the right side of the page, and it will be sticky when scrolling. If it’s disabled, the TOC will be displayed directly on the page sidebar.

Toggle Visibility

You can toggle visibility of the <TOC> on the specific pages by setting theme.toc property in the _meta.js file:

export default {
  'my-page': {
    theme: {
      toc: false // Hide toc on this page
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